If you’ve been charged with robbery, call a criminal lawyer before acting upon your situation in any way.
The Criminal Code of Canada defines “robbery” as an individual or group committing theft with the use of bodily force or threats of force to reduce resistance. The specific charges and actual circumstances – specifically, with regard to whether the robbery took place before, after or during an assault, and the extent of the injuries – can be impactful to whether the crown attains a conviction and to the nature of your possible sentence.
For example, use of a firearm in the commission of a robbery with the assistance of or for the benefit of a gang can carry a five-year prison sentence even for a first-time offender. On the other hand, an individual acting alone committing armed theft can face four years to a life sentence, depending on circumstances.
Mandeep S. Saggi is experienced in trying robbery cases. In many cases, he can attain reduced or dismissed charges without your ever needing to attend court yourself. The first step, though, is a candid consultation to consider the sum of your case’s facts. Saggi Law Firm will intelligently defend your rights and be available to answer your ongoing questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.