Should you take advantage of free representation provided by duty counsel, or hire a lawyer privately?
Each case is different and it is not possible here to provide advice as to what to do. Legal advice for your specific case can only be provided by a lawyer, after personally consulting with you. However, generally if a criminal defendant has a prior criminal history or if the charges are a serious summary or indictable offence, it may be worth calling a private criminal lawyer, such as Mandeep Saggi, to represent you at the bail hearing. Since Mandeep Saggi offer a free consultation, you have nothing to lose by calling Saggi Law Firm.
Mandeep Saggi conducts bail hearings for a multitude of criminal charges ranging from, but not inclusive of: Drug offences, theft crimes, traffic tickets, solicitation, probation violation, fraud, sex offences, gun charges and battery. Mr. Saggi knows what information to ask a client and what needs to be presented to the Justice of the Peace or Judge to have his client released.
Duty Counsel is a licensed lawyer or a paralegal who is charged with representing the defendant. So, what’s the difference between a duty counsel and hiring your own criminal lawyer? Time and attention! Duty counsel represents many defendants at the same time, while a privately retained criminal lawyer is concentrating on you. With many defendants to represent duty counsel simply does not have the same amount of time available for personal attention as Mandeep Saggi, as your private criminal lawyer, will have. In only 15-30 minutes, Mandeep Saggi can obtain enough information from you and family members if present, to provide the Justice of the Peace or Judge with a picture of you in the best light. Unfortunately, duty counsel may not have even that much time with every defendant.
Cost of hiring a private lawyer can be less than the cost of onerous and restrictive bail conditions.
What is the difference in the end result?
The additional time and attention that a private lawyer can provide, may result in a defendant being released with a least restrictive bail. Hiring a private lawyer can be the difference between immediate release or staying in jail for a few days or longer, and a higher cost for the bail.
Moreover, because of the additional time Mandeep Saggi can spend to obtain information, he may be better able to obtain more favourable conditions of release. If you have a prior criminal history, have been arrested for a serious summery or indictable offence, will simply feel more comfortable knowing that you have the undivided attention of your own criminal lawyer. Consider retaining Mandeep Saggi to represent you at your bail hearing. You can surely benefit from Mr. Saggi’s experience in bail hearings.