There are many factors that affect the bail amount. Remember, bail is an assurance to the court that the person granted bail will return for any and all court dates, and follow conditions of bail.
The accused’s criminal record will also affect whether or not they are granted bail, and if so, how much is bail will be. The worse the criminal record and/or the crime, the higher the bail will be. How much is pledged to the court or how much cash is deposited for bail. Whether a person is a flight risk is also a factor in a bail hearing.
While on bail, there are restrictions on the accused’s activities. For example, all laws must be obeyed, now more than ever. If a person is on bail and commits a crime, the repercussions are more serious than for someone who is not already engaged in legal proceedings. The Justice of the Peace or Judge is able to craft conditions related to specific offences. For example, if someone is accused of domestic violence, a condition of release might be that they aren’t allowed to contact the person they are accused of harming. If someone is accused of selling drugs, they might be told that they are not supposed to possess or take drugs while on bail. Travel restrictions may also apply, and typically not being able to leave the state the accused lives in a condition of release.
If out of jail on bail, it is better to be safe than sorry. When in doubt if an activity breaks the conditions of bail, check with a criminal lawyer, such as Mandeep Saggi. Violating a court order, again, is not a wise move while released from jail on bail. The very least worry is losing the bail money paid to be released. The biggest worry would be facing another arrest for violating a court order.
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Mandeep Saggi
Bail Hearing Lawyer
▸ +1 647 983 6720
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